Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Planting Seeds

On Sunday the twenty first, my family and I went to the hardware store to buy seeds and plants. We bought black tomato, bell peppers, beans, lettuce, and parsley seeds. Here are the grown plants we bought,  rosemary, basil, sage, bell peppers, and tomatoes. 


We also bought a miniature greenhouse. These are the steps to plant the seeds. First, we put soil in the little holes. Then, we pour lukewarm water into the soil. While the soil was still moist, used the blunt end of a pencil, and dug small holes in each section. After that, we put two of the same types of seeds in each hole. Then, we buried them. Lastly, we labeled each plant and put on the greenhouse lid. We will give them water a couple times a day.





 Since we had extra seeds, Mom let Alex and I take care of our own plants. I chose a black tomato, and Alex chose a bell pepper. First we poured soil into our pots. Then, we took the blunt end of a pencil and dug a few small holes in our pots. ( One in the center and a few around it.)  We followed the same drill as in the miniature greenhouse, and put two seeds in each hole. Then, we watered the plants. The last thing we did was put a small piece of plastic over are pots and fastened it with a rubber band.



We had an exciting day!
Posted by Paola and Alex


Debbie's L'Bri said...

This is how my older kids started gardening when they were young. Then their Dad gave them each a section in the family garden. The are all great gardeners now. Have fun with your garden this year. It is fun to grow food and learn.

jo said...

We will have a lot of fun gardening! Thanks for the post!
Posted by Paola and Alex

Rieshy said...

This is great! I hope you come link next Monday to So far you've made more progress than we have.

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