Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Cool Magic Show

Posted by Paola
On February 20, 2010, my family and I went to a magic show. Robin's friend, Ray was a magician at the show. Cool, right? Well there is something even cooler. My big brother Robin, was also performing at the show. I am going to tell you about my favorite tricks, and about Robin's performance.

Unfortunately, you were not allowed to bring a camera, but here is a picture of the whole crew. My brother is the one in the middle of the back row.

The first trick I am going to tell you about is really funny. Ray, the magician gets a magic trick every month. He got a package which was supposed to contain a yellow bandana, but instead, it contained a banana. He folded the banana up, and placed it in a small sheet. He held the sheet tight in a ball. When he unfolded the sheet, the banana was gone! He reached in his pocket, and pulled out a yellow bandana! It was amazing!

Another cool trick was called "Mission Impossible." Ray had a big box, and he proved to the audience it was empty. He took a balloon dog, and placed it in the box. He closed and locked the box. When he opened it, he pulled out a real dog! 

Now I am going to tell you about Robin's performance. The lights on the stage were turned off, and Robin pulled out a glowing red light. He showed it to the audience, and then swallowed it. Then, it appeared in his hand. He held the light in one hand, and he put it into his pocket with the other hand. But it seemed to be multiplying! When he pulled one into his pocket, one was still in his hand. He did some other stuff with the light and the trick ended.

This is a picture of Robin doing the lights trick.

The next trick Robin did was with a bottle and a cup. He had two hollow cylinders made of metal. He put one over the glass and the other over the bottle. But when he moved one cylinder over the bottle another bottle appeared. "The trick only works if I have one extra bottle," Robin said. When he removed the the metal cylinders, I realized the glass and the bottle had switched places! He did this several times, and he also found several more bottles. Each time he found an extra bottle he said, "But you have to have one extra bottle." And he also says that his magic only works because he has belief.

This is Robin doing the bottle trick.

 We had a great time at the show and I can't wait to see more magic.
To find out more about Robin's magic tricks or to book a show go to:

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