Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Amazing Bears


Posted by Paola
 I've some research on bears and I would like to share some information about them with you.

Bears are some of the best known animals in the world, and one of the places they can be found is in Yosemite National Park.

An interesting thing about bears is that their body temperature hardly ever changes. Even if the temperature around them changes!

Bears usually stand upon their hind legs to get a better view, to catch a sent, or to threaten other animals. Bears sense of smell play an important roll in life. They use it to find food, to identify  cubs, and to find mates. They also use it to help find any near by danger.

Species of Bear
There are many of species of bear. Some of them are the Grizzly, which is named for it's grizzled patches of white fur among it's brown coat, the American Black Bear, the Asian Black Bear, and the Sun Bear. 
The Asian Black Bear has a white patch on it's chest, that is where it got it's nickname, the Moon Bear.

Black Bears aren't always black, the can sometimes come in brownBears eat a lot in the fall so they could build body fat which will keep them warm in long winter months. The American Black Bear hibernates for seven months without food.

Stay tuned, I will post more about bears. Bye for now!

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