Monday, March 8, 2010

Egytian Gods and Godesses

Posted by Paola

Alex and I have written a small book about Egypt. This is what I wrote about the Egyptian gods and goddesses. There were many different Egyptian gods, so I couldn't write about them all. Here are a few of my favorite gods.

 Anubis helped making mummies.  He looks like a man with a jackal head. When the gods do the weighing of the heart to determine if someone has been good or bad in life, Anubis holds up the scale. If someone has been bad in life, a jaguar with a crocodile heads eats the person's heart. 

The Egyptians put statues of their gods in temples. They prayed in front of these statues.

Ra was the sun god. The Egyptians believed that he had a falcon head. He sails his ship across the sky every morning. At sun set, he sails to the Underworld. The Egyptians also believed that Ra makes the the sun rise and set when he sails his boat across the morning and evening sky.

 This is a golden statue of the god Ra in falcon form. Only rich pharaohs were able to afford these golden items.

Osiris and Isis
Osiris is the ruler of the Underworld. When his brother Set killed him, Isis brought him back to life. Isis later became known as the god of Motherhood and healing.

Thoth is the moon god. The Egyptians believed that he gave them the gift of writing. He was the god of medicine and mathematics. He is sometimes shown as a baboon, but other times a man with the head of a bird.                                                    
The Egyptians made paintings of their gods and pharaohs on stone. This is a painting of Thoth, the moon god.

Beset was Ra's daughter. She was a cat goddess, and she looked like a woman with a cat head. Egyptians believed that she had the power to make the crops grow. Every year, they prayed to her for a good harvest. She is also the goddess of dancing, music, joy and love.

Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. Egyptians believed that Horus was their pharaoh in human form.

This is a statue of the god, Horus.

Interesting links about Egypt:

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