Thursday, March 11, 2010

Plant Update

Posted by Paola  and Alex
It has been two weeks since we have planted our seeds.

 Plants Bought as Seedlings

The beans were the first to start to grow. Only three of them haven't grown yet.

My tomatoes were the second to start to grow. I was surprised when I first saw some green in my tomato pot. Once one tomato plant started to grow, the others seemed to grow in the next couple of days. Most of them grew over night.

The lettuce grew about the same time as my tomato. Now, it seems like all of them have grown. Imagine that each of those tiny little plants will turn into one lettuce head.

The tomatoes in the miniature greenhouse grew after my tomatoes did.

None of the peppers have grown yet. They are probably going to be late like the tomatoes in the miniature greenhouse.

The parsley should start growing in a couple of weeks.

Plants Bought Already  Grown

I have good news about the pepper and the tomato plant we bought. The tomato plant is starting to get a flower, and the pepper plants are starting to get some buds. The oregano, rosemary, thyme, and strawberry have only gotten taller.

I can't wait to eat a nice soup with chopped peppers, oregano, thyme, parsley, and rosemary in it. I am also looking forward to having a bowl of delicious lettuce with tomatoes. All of it will come straight from our garden. Mmmm.

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